Friday, May 23, 2014

Getting Ready

I recently got accepted to Louisiana State University in the PHD Math program. I'm planning on going into Algebra. Most of the time when I tell people that they mention that they took algebra in high school, or wonder how someone can go into algebra when it has been around for so long. Well, the type of algebra that I'm going into is not exactly the same as high school. In fact it is much more interesting. Here is a video that explains a little about abstract algebra:

So now I am getting ready.

So yesterday I bought my textbooks. I needed three for my first semester. In total it cost just under $200. I can't get over the feeling that I spend much more on textbooks than they are worth. But at least the pain is over for a few more months. I tend to buy my books early. That way I can start to read them before class starts. Especially with hard classes I find this to be useful. Sometimes you need just a few extra days or weeks or months to be able to be OK with some of the crazy math concepts that are taught in a semester.

I still need to find a place to live, decide when to leave and make travel arrangements, find out when institute is, and study for the qualifier.